Groups & Classes

Heal With Shared Experiences
CODAC offers more than 60 recovery, wellness and skills groups in-person, over Zoom video conferencing or both. Discover more about yourself and learn helpful skills for your recovery.
We will provide you with all the details you need to be able to join. Call us at (520) 327-4505.
*Groups are for CODAC members only.
Groups are beneficial for our members because they can see that there's other people in their situation. They're not alone. They can ask me and each other for advice.
- Jamie P., Recovery Coach
Therapy, Recovery, Wellness & Skills Groups
Click on the topic that interests you to see the groups available.
Coping with Change
Recovery & Wellness Group Learn practical skills to manage stress and anxiety, such as problem solving, positive activities, managing reactions, helpful thinking, and social interactions. Fridays | 12:00-1:30PM.
Living Your Best Life – Ages 50+
Recovery & Wellness Group for members ages 50+ to develop socialization skills and learn strategies to manage age-related issues. This group supports coping with specific issues and challenges related to the aging process. The last Monday of the month, members will go on a group outing. Mondays | 2:00-3:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Depression & Anxiety
Recovery & Wellness Group Learn practical skills to manage stress and anxiety, such as problem solving, positive activities, managing reactions, helpful thinking, and social interactions. Fridays | 12:00-1:30PM.
DBT Therapy Group
Therapy Group Advanced coping skills for (1) managing overwhelming and sometimes unbearable emotions, (2) avoiding destructive behaviors such as self-harm, suicide and anger explosions, (3) learning to experience your emotions without acting impulsively, (4) increasing positive experiences, and (5) interacting with others and getting your needs met in effective ways. Tuesdays | 2:00-3:00PM
Drop-In Support Group
Recovery & Wellness Group The Drop-In Support Group offers a safe place where you can just drop-in to a friendly space to give and get support and learn things that are practical and constructive. With the encouragement of others, you’ll learn more about coping with your problems through sharing experiences. Hearing from others facing similar challenges can help you feel less alone in your troubles and give you some great ideas that you may not have considered. Thursdays | 1:00-2:30PM
ACT for Depression & Anxiety
Therapy Group Using the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model, this action-oriented group will help you get “unstuck” by doing more of what matters to you. This group will help you feel more hopeful, feel and be more capable during tough times, care more about yourself and others and stop avoiding the things you want to do! Wednesdays | 3:30-4:30PM
Living with Loss (Grief & Loss)
Therapy Group Therapy group for those whose grief over losses of various kinds (lost people or opportunities) is not resolving on its own naturally, or is interfering your ability to function. You will learn about healthy and unhealthy grieving, gain support from others who are also grieving, and learn to move beyond being “stuck.” Thursdays | 11:00AM-12:30PM
Living Your Best Life – Ages 50+
Recovery & Wellness Group for members ages 50+ to develop socialization skills and learn strategies to manage age-related issues. This group supports coping with specific issues and challenges related to the aging process. The last Monday of the month, members will go on a group outing. Mondays | 2:00-3:30PM
Lose the Blues & Anxiety
Therapy Group Treats mild to moderate depression and anxiety using a variety of evidence-based methods. Using CBT, ACT, Positive Psychology, and Scheme therapy, this group helps you learn to change dysfunctional thinking, discover and change life traps, and discover and utilize your signature character strengths. Mondays | 3:30-4:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Postpartum Depression & Anxiety
Healing Trauma
DBT Therapy Group
Therapy Group Advanced coping skills for (1) managing overwhelming and sometimes unbearable emotions, (2) avoiding destructive behaviors such as self-harm, suicide and anger explosions, (3) learning to experience your emotions without acting impulsively, (4) increasing positive experiences, and (5) interacting with others and getting your needs met in effective ways. Tuesdays | 2:00-3:00PM
Seeking Safety
Therapy Group Designed for those just starting to work on their trauma. Learn to better understand symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance use. Free yourself from unhealthy patterns by learning safe coping skills. Note: this is not a processing group; members do not share their personal trauma histories until later in treatment. All genders; do not have to be SACASA-involved. Thursdays | 2:00-3:00PM
Sexual Assault-Related Trauma for SACASA-Involved Individuals (Requires referral to SACASA)
- Seeking Safety – PTSD/Trauma (este grupo tambien está disponible en español)
Therapy Group Designed for those just starting to work on their trauma. Learn to better understand symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance use. Free yourself from unhealthy patterns by learning safe coping skills. Note: this is not a processing group; members do not share their personal trauma histories until later in treatment. Tuesdays | 3:30-5:00PM. En Español: Viernes | 10:00-11:00PM - I Thought It Was Just Me: Shame and Trauma
Therapy Group This process group explores the work of Brene Brown and focuses on building self-love, belonging, resiliency and authenticity in recovery from PTSD. Questions that the group centers around include: What is shame? Can you recognize your shame triggers? What is shame resilience? How do you cope? How can you reach out to people for help? And More! Thursdays | 2:00-3:30PM - Safety in Relationships (Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survivors Only; Referral Needed) – Women/Female Only
Therapy Group This group is for survivors or secondary survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. This group will help participants increase their knowledge and awareness of the cycle and warning signs of abuse. Members will learn about mindfulness, coping with anger, identifying and altering harmful thinking, increasing self-esteem, accountability, trauma recovery, defeating shame, identifying goals and more. Thursdays | 10:30AM-12:00PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Healing Trauma (Sexual Assault & Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survivors)
Therapy Group Designed for those just starting to work on their trauma. Learn to better understand symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance use. Free yourself from unhealthy patterns by learning safe coping skills. Note: this is not a processing group; members do not share their personal trauma histories until later in treatment. Tuesdays | 3:30-5:00PM. En Español: Viernes | 10:00-11:00PM
“I Thought It Was Just Me”: Shame and Trauma (Sexual Assault Survivors Only; Referral Needed)
Therapy Group This process group **for women and female identifying individuals only** explores the work of Brene Brown and focuses on building self-love, belonging, resiliency and authenticity in recovery from PTSD. Questions that the group centers around include: What is shame? Can you recognize your shame triggers? What is shame resilience? How do you cope? How can you reach out to people for help? And More! Prerequisite: Participation requires referral from individual therapist or attendance in Seeking Safety group to assess for appropriateness for trauma processing. Thursdays | 2:00-3:30PM
Safety in Relationships (Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survivors Only; Referral Needed) – Women/Female Only
Therapy Group This group is for survivors or secondary survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. This group will help participants increase their knowledge and awareness of the cycle and warning signs of abuse. Members will learn about mindfulness, coping with anger, identifying and altering harmful thinking, increasing self-esteem, accountability, trauma recovery, defeating shame, identifying goals and more. Thursdays | 10:30AM-12:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Healing Trauma (Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Trauma)
(Adolescent Sexual Assault Survivors Only; Referral Required)
Therapy Group This therapy group provides a safe space for adolescents to come together and discover that they are not alone with their suffering from sexual violence. This present-focused group provides psychoeducation about symptoms that arise in response to trauma and utilizes cognitive-behavioral approaches to help individuals reduce/manage symptoms.
This group incorporates teachings and activities from The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls: A Guide to Recovery from Sexual Assault and Abuse by R.C. Lohmann & S. Raja and The PTSD Workbook for Teens by L. Palmer.
Healthy Relationships
Recovery & Wellness Group Learn what makes you angry and how to deal with frustration, irritation and anger before it builds up. Wednesdays | 4:30-5:30PM
Beyond Anger Management
Recovery & Wellness Group Beyond Anger Management provides insights, strategies, and techniques that help transform the all too often destructive anger we all experience into a positive source of energy that can enhance lives. Fridays | 10:00-11:30AM
Domestic Violence – Women/Female Only
Therapy Group This psycho-educational group focuses on the dynamics of domestic violence, learning alternatives to abusive behavior, changing our attitude toward all definitions of abuse, and the prevention of future violence. This group is open to both abusers and those who have been or are currently being abused. *This is not a certified DV course; check with probation/court orders prior to taking this group for legal purposes. Thursdays | 11:30AM-12:30PM
Domestic Violence – Men/Male Only
Recovery & Wellness Group Addresses taking the blame off the victim and places the accountability for abuse on the offender. Topics break down environmental factors of power and control and actively work to change societal conditions that support tactics of power and control. (This group is for male-identifying individuals.) Tuesdays | 10:00-11:30AM
Family Support Group Recovery & Wellness Group Support for family members of those in recovery or in active addiction. Tuesdays | 1:00-2:00PM
Healthy Relationships
Therapy Group Provides education on topics to improve communication and healthy boundaries. Members learn how to practice “clean communication,” break negative emotional and behavioral patterns, cope with anger, identify their family and social systems, and set and maintain healthy boundaries. These skills can be applied to intimate, family and social relationships. Fridays | 9:30-11:00AM
Safety in Relationships (Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survivors Only; Referral Needed)
Therapy Group This group is for survivors or secondary survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. This group will help participants increase their knowledge and awareness of the cycle and warning signs of abuse. Members will learn about mindfulness, coping with anger, identifying and altering harmful thinking, increasing self-esteem, accountability, trauma recovery, defeating shame, identifying goals and more. Thursdays 10:30AM-12:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Anger Management
Recovery & Wellness Group Learn what makes you angry and how to deal with frustration, irritation and anger before it builds up. Wednesdays | 4:30-5:30PM
Beyond Anger Management
Recovery & Wellness Group Beyond Anger Management provides insights, strategies, and techniques that help transform the all too often destructive anger we all experience into a positive source of energy that can enhance lives. Fridays | 10:00-11:30AM
Domestic Violence – Women/Female Only
Therapy Group This psycho-educational group focuses on the dynamics of domestic violence, learning alternatives to abusive behavior, changing our attitude toward all definitions of abuse, and the prevention of future violence. This group is open to both abusers and those who have been or are currently being abused. *This is not a certified DV course; check with probation/court orders prior to taking this group for legal purposes. Thursdays | 11:30AM-12:30PM
Domestic Violence – Men/Male Only
Recovery & Wellness Group Addresses taking the blame off the victim and places the accountability for abuse on the offender. Topics break down environmental factors of power and control and actively work to change societal conditions that support tactics of power and control. (This group is for male-identifying individuals.) Tuesdays | 10:00-11:30AM
DBT Therapy Group Therapy Group Advanced coping skills for (1) managing overwhelming and sometimes unbearable emotions, (2) avoiding destructive behaviors such as self-harm, suicide and anger explosions, (3) learning to experience your emotions without acting impulsively, (4) increasing positive experiences, and (5) interacting with others and getting your needs met in effective ways. Tuesdays | 2:00-3:00PM
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
Therapy Group MRT increases moral reasoning in individuals with issues of substance use, anger management, and domestic violence. Participants complete homework before each session and then present the homework and are passed through each of 16 steps when they meet objective criteria. Groups are open-ended; enter any time. Mondays | 5:00-6:ooPM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Self-Esteem & Sense of Self
Recovery & Wellness Group Expressing yourself has never been more fun! Explore your artistic side while learning about the benefits of creative expression, allowing us to
better understand and communicate our thoughts, emotions and ideas without the use of words. This group is a safe and encouraging place to actively work on self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-expression, through the use of various creative mediums. Join us to see how fun and beneficial creative expression can be! Fridays | 1:00-2:00PM
Creative Art Recovery
Recovery & Wellness Group Members participate in various focused art projects using different mediums to develop self-awareness and recovery skills. Learn to use art as a coping skill to help you on your journey in recovery. This group is open to all skill levels.
- Wednesdays 2:30-4:30PM
- Thursdays | 3:30-4:30PM
- Caters to adults ages 50+ but not exclusive: Fridays 1:00-2:30PM
Drop-In Support Group Recovery & Wellness Group The Drop-In Support Group offers a safe place where you can just drop-in to a friendly space to give and get support and learn things that are practical and constructive. With the encouragement of others, you’ll learn more about coping with your problems through sharing experiences. Hearing from others facing similar challenges can help you feel less alone in your troubles and give you some great ideas that you may not have considered. Thursdays | 1:00-2:30PM
Living Your Best Life – Ages 50+
Recovery & Wellness Group This group is for members ages 50+ to develop socialization skills and learn strategies to manage age-related issues. This group supports coping with specific issues and challenges related to the aging process. On the last Monday of the month, members will go on a group outing. Mondays | 2:00-3:30PM
Member Advisory Group
Tell us how we are doing and how to better address your needs as a CODAC member. Learn about CODAC’s programs and services and provide solution-focused feedback. 4th Tuesday of Every Month | 8:30-9:30AM
Recovery & Wellness Group Change self-defeating thoughts and overcome self-doubt. Use affirming thoughts, enlarge possibilities, & have a positive self-image. Tuesday | 11:00AM-12:00PM
Thinking for Change
Recovery & Wellness Group This group is a cognitive-behavioral program, governed by a simple, straightforward principle-thinking (internal behavior) controls actions (external behavior). The group is an integrated, cognitive behavioral change program for offenders that includes cognitive restructuring, social skills development, and development of problem-solving skills. Fridays | 6:00-7:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Physical Wellness
Join this class to increase strength, range of movement, agility, balance, and coordination. You will also increase cardiovascular and muscular endurance capacity and improve your functional capacity, physical fitness level, and sense of well-being. This class is great for members who are fit and active and those who are sedentary, intimidated, unfamiliar with exercise, or entering post-rehabilitation programs, and/or those who enjoy a positive social environment. We will engage in goal setting, self-monitoring, and promote self-efficacy by overcoming barriers to exercise. Tuesdays | 11:00AM-12:00PM
Mat Pilates
Strengthen your core muscles for improved posture, balance and range of motion. Thursdays | 2:00-3:00PM
Meditation and Movement
Participate in the gentle exercise of Qi Gong followed by a seated guided meditation. This group may help reduce pain, anxiety and depression; improve sleep, concentration, your ability to relax and your sense of purpose and confidence. The movement can also help reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health and digestion, provide better balance and muscle tone, and improve strength and stamina. Fridays | 2:30-3:30PM
Move Your Way Exercise Group
This is a six-week group class, based on CDC exercise recommendations, that promotes physical activity to improve the health and well-being of individuals with physical health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity or hyperlipidemia. Participants will engage in goal setting, self-monitoring, and problem-solving to overcome barriers and learn how to exercise on your own! Thursdays | 10:00-11:00AM
Move Your Way Plus!
Do you want a higher intensity workout to maintain or improve your physical health? Are you looking to increase strength and muscle using weights, kettlebells and resistance bands? Join this group, an advanced version of the Move Your Way group. Roster additions should be preapproved with Wellness Team evaluation. NOTE: This group is not appropriate for members with mobility restrictions or who are in physical therapy. Wednesdays | 10:00-11:00AM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Substance Use Recovery: Intensive Outpatient Programs
Intensive Outpatient Program for men/male-identifying individuals in recovery from substance use disorders. Three hours of group, three times per week (total of 9 hours per week).
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays | 8:00-11:00AM
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays | 5:30-8:30PM
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – Women/Female
Intensive Outpatient Program for women/female-identifying individuals in recovery from substance use disorders. Three hours of treatment, three times per week (total of 9 hours per week). Download flyer.
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays | 8:00-11:00AM
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays | 1:00-4:00PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Substance Use Recovery
Drop-In Support Group Recovery & Wellness Group The Drop-In Support Group offers a safe place where you can just drop-in to a friendly space to give and get support and learn things that are practical and constructive. With the encouragement of others, you’ll learn more about coping with your problems through sharing experiences. Hearing from others facing similar challenges can help you feel less alone in your troubles and give you some great ideas that you may not have considered. Thursdays | 1:00-2:30PM
Family Support Group Recovery & Wellness Group Support for family members of those in recovery or in active addiction. Tuesdays | 1:00-2:00PM
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
Therapy Group MRT increases moral reasoning in individuals with issues of substance use, anger management, and domestic violence. Participants complete homework before each session and then present the homework and are passed through each of 16 steps when they meet objective criteria. Groups are open-ended; enter any time. Mondays | 5:00-6:ooPM
New Member Orientation for Medication Assisted Treatment
New members at CODAC’s Medication Assisted Treatment program must attend this group to learn about the benefits and expectations of this program. Fridays | 1:00-2:00PM
Relapse Prevention (Building Resilience)
Recovery & Wellness Group Teaches skills that are vital to staying in recovery from addictions. Explore new ways of handling challenges involved with long-term sobriety and alternative behaviors to prevent drug and alcohol relapse. Leave with a set of skills and strengths to respond to life’s challenges. Have the ability to find available resources, achieve networking strategies and manage challenging events.
- Mondays | 1:00-2:00PM
- Tuesdays | 9:00-10:30AM
- Wednesdays | 11:15AM-12:45PM
Recovery Maintenance
Recovery & Wellness Group Recovery is HARD work! Attend this group to talk about the daily struggles of recovery, like temptations and influences in society; encourage each other to stay strong against temptations; share coping strategies; lift each other up when we fall down; and celebrate our successes. Fridays | 10:00-11:30AM
S.M.A.R.T. Recovery
Recovery & Wellness Group Learn to live independent of addictive behaviors, coping with urges, managing thoughts, and to have a balanced recovery.
- Mondays | 12:00-1:00PM
- Wednesdays | 1:00-2:30PM
Substance Use Education
Recovery & Wellness Group This educational group teaches how drugs and other substances impact the brain and body. Topics include the history of drugs, social and legal influences, short and long term effects of use on the body and brain, withdrawal, drug interactions, etc.
- Thursdays | 9:00-10:30AM
- Thursdays | 1:00-2:00PM
Thinking for Change
Recovery & Wellness Group This group is a cognitive-behavioral program, governed by a simple, straightforward principle-thinking (internal behavior) controls actions (external behavior). The group is an integrated, cognitive behavioral change program for offenders that includes cognitive restructuring, social skills development, and development of problem-solving skills. Fridays | 6:00-7:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Parenting & Pathways
Recovery & Wellness Group This group utilizes the evidenced based model, STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting), providing valuable tools to improve communication among family members and lessens conflict. For DCS involved women, this group also teaches about effective communication, dependency rights & expectations for going through the system.
- Thursdays | 2:00-3:00PM
- Thursdays | 5:00-6:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Art for Recovery
Recovery & Wellness Group Expressing yourself has never been more fun! Explore your artistic side while learning about the benefits of creative expression, allowing us to
better understand and communicate our thoughts, emotions and ideas without the use of words. This group is a safe and encouraging place to actively work on self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-expression, through the use of various creative mediums. Join us to see how fun and beneficial creative expression can be! Fridays | 1:00-2:00PM
Creative Art Recovery
Recovery & Wellness Group Members participate in various focused art projects using different mediums to develop self-awareness and recovery skills. Learn to use art as a coping skill to help you on your journey in recovery. This group is open to all skill levels.
- Wednesdays 2:30-4:30PM
- Thursdays | 3:30-4:30PM
- Caters to adults ages 50+ but not exclusive: Fridays 1:00-2:30PM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.
Using Community Resources
Go to the Food Bank and the Clothing Bank with CODAC! Members must arrive by 9:30AM to check in. SPACE IS LIMITED; first come first served. Transportation provided. Must check in by 9:30AM. 3rd Wednesday of every month | 10:00AM-12:00PM
Food Bank Group
Take a trip to the Community Food Bank to pick up food. Members must arrive by 8:30AM to check in. SPACE IS LIMITED and members can attend every other week, at most (cannot attend every week). Transportation provided. Fridays | 9:00-11:30AM
Contact your treatment team for more information and a referral to CODAC groups and classes.