Support Survivors: Dine Out at Participating Restaurants on 4/17

Dine Out for Safety Returns on April 17, 2024

Meet your friends and family at one (or more!) of the participating restaurants on April 17, 2024, and up to 20% of your purchase will be donated to the Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault survivors of sexual assault. The list of participating restaurants is growing and continuously updated at this link.

Volunteer: Become a Volunteer Restaurant Host

We’re looking for volunteer restaurant hosts for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Serving as a host is easy, it’s fun, and it requires committing only 2-4 hours of your time (depending on the shift). When you volunteer for Dine Out For Safety, you spread the word about SACASA’s services and raise money for survivors through raffle ticket sales. To sign up as a volunteer, click on this link.

Buy Raffle Tickets & Win Prizes

Buy raffle tickets for your chance to win our GRAND PRIZE: a gift card to all participating restaurants. There are many other fantastic prizes you can win as well! You can buy tickets any time online or at participating restaurants on April 17. Click here to buy your ticket.


Your gift of money, time and talents helps us achieve our mission of providing a full continuum of sexual assault services. Even if you can’t Dine Out, we gratefully welcome your support in any form. Donating online is easy, simply go to or click here.

Here are some eye-opening facts that emphasize the importance of supporting survivors of sexual assault:

  • Someone is affected by sexual violence every 98 seconds.
  • One in five women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • 47% of transgender individuals are sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • In the past nine months alone, SACASA has served 1696 survivors of sexual violence, answered 641 calls on its 24/7 crisis hotline, and provided numerous other crucial services. Your involvement can directly contribute to these efforts and help even more people receive the support they deserve.


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