CODAC Receives MHCA Innovation Award

CODAC is delighted to announce that we have received the Most Innovative Member Award from MHCA, a national association of behavioral healthcare organizations. This prestigious award recognizes our unwavering commitment to innovation and the remarkable initiatives we have undertaken to improve health and transform lives in our community.

In late 2022, Dan Barden, chief clinical officer, Kristine Welter Hall, chief operating officer, and Katlyn Monje, director of SACASA, presented at the MHCA conference on the topic of Coordinating Strategic Responses to Save Lives & Communities. The innovations shared in this presentation led to CODAC being selected as one of only five winners of the Most Innovative Member Award for 2022. They accepted the award at a public ceremony in March.

“We have embraced the challenge of innovation by continuously striving to meet new requirements, address unarticulated needs and enhance existing demands. Our innovative solutions have led to more effective processes, services, technologies and business models, ultimately impacting the lives in our community,” says Dennis Regnier, CODAC president and CEO.

The Coordinating Strategic Responses to Save Lives & Communities presentation shared the following hard work of many staff across CODAC:

  • Discussed solutions to common challenges and barriers for individuals engaging in substance use treatment
  • Demonstrated the enhancement and expansion of services that can result from co-located and collaborative care, including CODAC’s:
    • 24/7 outpatient services for individuals looking to start treatment for substance misuse
    • Partnership with Tucson Police Department to save lives, reduce crime, improve integrated treatment, and address social determinants of health through the Deflection Program and Substance Use Resource Team (SURT)
    • Partnerships with Pima County Safety & Justice Commission and Pre-Trial Services
    • Partnerships with Hospitals and the Department of Child Safety (DCS)
    • Other co-located services/collaborations
    • Employment and housing support
    • Demonstrated how strategic marketing campaigns can increase enrollment

Winners were selected by tabulating and averaging the star ratings each presentation was awarded by conference attendees. And, then Innovation Taskforce members individually reviewed each of the presentations again and rated each strictly based on its innovative merit and awarded another rating.

The audience’s overall rating was combined with the Innovation Taskforce rating to reflect the final rating for each presentation. At end of the year, the presentations were ranked and the Innovation Taskforce chose the top five Most Innovative members for 2022.

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